InvenTree Plugin List

InvenTree is a modular application and can be extended with plugins. This list is a collection of plugins that have been developed by the community. Being on this list does not mean that the plugin is officially supported by the InvenTree core team. We also do not check for security, privacy or performance issues or compatibility with the latest InvenTree version.

You can also browse for plugins by tags or categories

Label Settings Sheet layout Office Printing Label

InvenTree Advanced Sheet Label

A label printing plugin for InvenTree which provides support for printing labels on off-the-shelf label sheet layouts and adds some more useful features compared to the sheet label plugin included with InvenTree.

Event Settings Sales orders Parts Automation

Default sales order items

Add default parts (configurable) to every newly created sales order automatically.

Event Part IPN Generator



Installing this plugin enables the automatic generation if Internal Part Numbers (IPN) for parts.
API RapiDoc

Inventree RapiDoc

Use RapiDoc for Inventree API docs.